Friday, March 11, 2005

Off to the races...

I'll let this serve as a combination shake out cruise, and mission statement, of sorts.

There's a Taoist saying that supposedly goes something like, 'You cannot achieve enlightenment until your parents are dead.'

2-3 years after my father's passing in '99, I remember saying to my bus. partner, "You know, I half get that."

After he died, I began to read about the chronic health conditions he faced in life. An elite athlete for his day, he contracted a catastrophic illness at about 30, which, while it didn't kill him, it weakened him slowly and set up his ultimate demise.

He got sick in 1958. What I found shocked me. In 1950, some 8 years earlier, 2 doctors had published the cure in the New England Journal of Medicine. The most prestigious medical journal in the world, not some esoteric, new age rag.

Because it didn't involve high priced drugs, but simple dietary changes, the mainstream medical world ignored it. If they hadn't, my father would, in all likeliehood, still be alive.

This provided me the inspiration to get serious about our work.

Western medicine is built on a flawed, reductioniost model, that concerns itself with suppression of symptoms, not at getting to, and correcting the inderlying problem.

As Chris Rock once said, "Ain't no money in the cure. Moneys in the be back."

Anyway, this blog is a place for me to editorialze outside the business website. I hope people see it, and ask questions and discuss. Finding ways to get this seen is my next challenge.

Obviously, I hope folks who do see this will visit the website, .

The renowned New York therapist, Joan Pancoe, once told me, "Rik, I just figured out a way to make a living doing what I wanted to do." She continues to inspire me, too.


Anonymous said...

Hey Rik,

Always enjoy reading your posts about nutrition on the zone and hope to learn more from your blog. Peace.

rik said...

Thanks for the kind words, sly. Thanks go to Kook and Andre for help with some of the technical details of setting this up.

We'll try to keep you informed, amused and sometimes outraged.

Anonymous said...

You are an asshole